In the world of premium cigars, AVO is a reputed name known for producing high-quality products for smokers in different parts of the globe. AVO cigars are a classic creation, which is a result of a partnership between musician Avo Uvezian and Hendrik Kelner, an extremely popular name in the list of tobacco experts. The two worked shoulder to shoulder and combined their creativity to produce superlative cigars, which have loyal fans internationally.
AVO cigars are handmade products, which are a delicious blend of high-quality tobacco and craftsmanship of experienced cigar professionals. The brand has been in the industry for more than three decades. Since the release of its first cigar, AVO has received praise from experts as well as smokers. How it all started? What are AVO cigars? What should you purchase to gratify the cigar lover in you?
Let’s begin finding answers to all these questions:
Before joining hands with Kelner for the cigar brand, Uvezian was an Armenian-American Jazz pianist focusing on his music career. It was his enthusiasm to travel that made him fall in love with the idea of starting a cigar brand.
Uvezian was impressed with the quality of Cuban cigars, but he was taken aback by the expensive price tag of those cigars. He decided to start his own brand and met with Kelner in Puerto Rico to proceed with the plan.
AVO classic cigars were the first-ever products made by AVO. After the collection’s success, the company released many cigars in its subcategories.
Here are the AVO brands you can buy:
These were the first cigars belonging to the AVO stable. The cigars feature a delicious blend of five Dominican Republic tobaccos, wrapped in Connecticut-seed Ecuadorian wrapper.
Living true to its name, Avo Domaine is a result of fine ingredients that come directly from Avo Uvezian’s own domain. Tobacco in the filler is grown in the Dominican Republic property of the musician. The ingredients are combined with a Dominican binder to produce a cigar featuring a rich flavor.
If you like your cigar to be complex and rich, then AVO Heritage cigars are the products to buy. The cigar features a blend of quality seed and sun-grown wrappers. Heritage cigars can be smoked to experience toast, cocoa, and apples.
Handmade in the Dominican Republic, it is one of the most popular brands by AVO. The cigar features fine tobacco with an attractive wrapper.
AVO Syncro Nicaragua is an extremely popular product with the highest ratings from cigar enthusiasts worldwide. They come in an attractive box and let you experience a blend of high-quality tobacco leaves.
The premium brand is an example of unique tobacco blends that create delicious flavors. Fogata is translated into fire in Spanish. The brand is a result of moments that Uvezian had with his friends around the fire.
It is one of the most incredible products by AVO that feature ingredients from multiple regions of the world. Avo Syncro Ritmo cigars are a result of tobacco from seven countries.
In the end
AVO cigars are sumptuous products with unique flavors. You can smoke them for their fine ingredients and attractive wrappers. Order them online and receive a box of premium cigars at your doorstep.
AVO cigars are handmade products, which are a delicious blend of high-quality tobacco and craftsmanship of experienced cigar professionals. The brand has been in the industry for more than three decades. Since the release of its first cigar, AVO has received praise from experts as well as smokers. How it all started? What are AVO cigars? What should you purchase to gratify the cigar lover in you?
Let’s begin finding answers to all these questions:
History of AVO Cigars
The brand came into existence in 1988 when the duo- Avo Uvezian and Hendrik Kelner- produced the brand’s first cigar. In just one year, it sold around 100,000 cigars, thanks to the combination of fine-quality tobacco and sumptuous blends in them. In many regions of the world, AVO became one of the best cigar brands.Before joining hands with Kelner for the cigar brand, Uvezian was an Armenian-American Jazz pianist focusing on his music career. It was his enthusiasm to travel that made him fall in love with the idea of starting a cigar brand.
Uvezian was impressed with the quality of Cuban cigars, but he was taken aback by the expensive price tag of those cigars. He decided to start his own brand and met with Kelner in Puerto Rico to proceed with the plan.
AVO classic cigars were the first-ever products made by AVO. After the collection’s success, the company released many cigars in its subcategories.
Types of AVO Cigar Brands
A combination of fine tobacco and quality binder, AVO produces a range of products for the world’s smokers. There are multiple brands of AVO which are different from each other in terms of origin, filler, and strength.Here are the AVO brands you can buy:
AVO Classic Cigars
AVO Domaine Cigars
AVO Heritage Cigars
AVO X.O. Cigars
AVO Syncro Nicaragua Cigars
AVO Syncro Nicaragua Fogata Cigars
Avo Syncro Ritmo Cigars
In the end
AVO cigars are sumptuous products with unique flavors. You can smoke them for their fine ingredients and attractive wrappers. Order them online and receive a box of premium cigars at your doorstep.
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