Cigar aging is probably the stage in which one has recognized although refined intricacies of smoking a cigar. It’s time when everything is about to become very pleasurable. It’s the stage where one can see why cigar storage is not just another name for cigar aging. Cigar aging is not something you acquire overnight. You have to go through many hindrances and acquire that skill after gaining practical knowledge. Ashton Cigars have found some of the most loyal customers who do these experiments every now and then. What is Cigar Aging? Have you heard of wine aging? It is something similar. Just replace wine with tobacco. Cigar aging means creating an environment that evolves the blends of tobacco in a cigar. The full responsibility in the words “creating an environment”. That’s the skill to acquire. Why choose cigar aging? Now that's a question that many people have asked. The ingredients of a cigar are biotic. That means they breathe, grow and change continuously. Tobacco...