Gurkha cigars - arguably among the most popular luxury smokes in the cigar industry - are synonymous with luxurious cigars. Handmade in the Dominican Republic and Honduras, Gurkha cigars are called the ‘Rolls Royce of cigars’. Smokers can buy Gurkha cigars online at Gotham Cigars to experience its limited edition release and rare blends of tobacco that come in artistically designed boxes.
Gurkha Cigars are among the oldest premium cigars worldwide. Using the rarest and finest aged tobacco leaves from different parts of the globe, the brand has been producing unique and luxurious flavors since 1887. In the modern tobacco industry, Gurkha is among the most renowned cigar brands, thanks to the extraordinary quality and artistically-oriented presentation.
Each cigar by Gurkha is handmade and hand-rolled by experienced individuals who can be called cigar artists. All the cigars by the brand contain expertly-aged premium tobacco and unique blends.
When Hansotia came back from India, he had all the boxes of cigars that he bought from the Portuguese man. His plan was to gift those boxes to his business customers and friends. Everyone loved the cigars and demanded to have more. This inspired Hansotia to start the venture. Today, people can buy Gurkha cigars online and get a box of premium quality cigars at their doorstep.
Gurkha cigars are luxury products which are rare to find. Gotham Cigars features a collection of cigars by the brand. From Gurkha Cellar Reserve Cigars to Gurkha Colorado and Gurkha Class Regent Churchill, we have an extensive collection by the luxury brand. All the products are premium cigars by Gurkha that let smokers experience high manufacturing standards and the finest tobacco in them.
Gurkha cigars are rare and expensive products that are available at cost-effective at Gotham Cigars. All of them are rare products handmade in the brand’s facility. We deliver them to the customers’ doorstep in skillfully crafted packaging.
If you haven’t tasted them yet, then you must. Containing superior quality tobacco, Gurkha cigars ensure a pleasurable experience. The rarest and best tobaccos blended by experienced professionals, these handmade cigars are the example of the finest cigar work.
Explore the collection of Gurkha cigars at Gotham Cigars and learn different cigar types by the popular brand. They can be chosen based on their type, size, and various other aspects. Identify your taste and choose the right product to gratify the smoker in you. Order your Gurkha cigars at Gotham Cigars and receive your premium products in an artistic package.
Gurkha Cigars are among the oldest premium cigars worldwide. Using the rarest and finest aged tobacco leaves from different parts of the globe, the brand has been producing unique and luxurious flavors since 1887. In the modern tobacco industry, Gurkha is among the most renowned cigar brands, thanks to the extraordinary quality and artistically-oriented presentation.
History of Gurkha Cigars
Gurkha is the brainchild of Kaizad Hansotia. Raised in Hong Kong and London, the man from a wealthy family came to know about Gurkha cigars during his trip to India in 1989. He bought the cigars from a Portuguese man. Inspired by the man’s art of rolling cigars, Hansotia went back to his country and started producing cigars under the name of Gurkha.When Hansotia came back from India, he had all the boxes of cigars that he bought from the Portuguese man. His plan was to gift those boxes to his business customers and friends. Everyone loved the cigars and demanded to have more. This inspired Hansotia to start the venture. Today, people can buy Gurkha cigars online and get a box of premium quality cigars at their doorstep.
Why Gurkha?
Hansotia named his cigars Gurkha because the Portuguese man was selling his cigars under the same name. Why did that man call the cigars as Gurkha? It is inspired by legendary Nepalese fighters who became popular during the height of British rule. Those fighters made their cigars from the local tobacco. The Britishers were fond of these fighters and named their cigars after them.Gurkha Cigars to Buy
Today, Gurkha offers a limited collection of premium cigar products that are enjoyed by the world's elite, including celebrities, politicians, and wealthy individuals.Gurkha cigars are luxury products which are rare to find. Gotham Cigars features a collection of cigars by the brand. From Gurkha Cellar Reserve Cigars to Gurkha Colorado and Gurkha Class Regent Churchill, we have an extensive collection by the luxury brand. All the products are premium cigars by Gurkha that let smokers experience high manufacturing standards and the finest tobacco in them.
Gurkha cigars are rare and expensive products that are available at cost-effective at Gotham Cigars. All of them are rare products handmade in the brand’s facility. We deliver them to the customers’ doorstep in skillfully crafted packaging.
If you haven’t tasted them yet, then you must. Containing superior quality tobacco, Gurkha cigars ensure a pleasurable experience. The rarest and best tobaccos blended by experienced professionals, these handmade cigars are the example of the finest cigar work.
Explore the collection of Gurkha cigars at Gotham Cigars and learn different cigar types by the popular brand. They can be chosen based on their type, size, and various other aspects. Identify your taste and choose the right product to gratify the smoker in you. Order your Gurkha cigars at Gotham Cigars and receive your premium products in an artistic package.
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